Re: A ma connaissance,
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écrit par Dominique le 15 novembre 2003 11:02:37:
en réponse à: A ma connaissance, écrit par domi38 le 15 novembre 2003 09:56:58:
Bonjour, à ma connaissance, c'est en 1964 que la Nasa a testé plusieurs chonographes pour en choisir un. Voici la liste des tests passés (compilés par Chuck Maddox)
To be flight-quelified by NASA for all manned missions the Omega Speedmaster Professional Chronograph successfully passed 11 different tests numerious times...
1 High Temperature48 hours at a temperature of 160° F (71°C) followed by 30 minutes at 200F (93C). This under a pressure of 5.5 psia (0.35 atm) and relative humidity not exceeding 15%
2. Low temperatureFour hours at a temperature of 0F (-18C)
3. Temperature pressureChamber pressure maximun of 1.47 x 10exp-5 psia (10exp-6 atm) with temperature raised to 160F (71C). The temperature shall then be lowered to 0°F (-18C) in 45 minutes and raised again to 160F in 45 minutes. Fifteem more such cycles shall be completed.
4. Relative humidityA total time of 240 hours at tempeartures varying between 68F and 160F (20C and 71C) in a relative humidity of at least 95%. The steam used must have a pH value between 6.5 and 7.5
5. Oxygen atmosphereThe test item shall be placed in an atmosphere of 100% oxygen at a pressure of 5.5 psia (0.35atm) for 48 hours. Performance outside of specification tolerance, visible burning, creation of toxic gases, obnoxious odours or deterioration of seals and lubricants shall constitute a failure to pass this test. The ambient temperature shall be maintained at 160°F (71°C)
6. ShockSix shocks of 40g's each 11 miliseconds in duration, in six different directions.
7. AccelerationThe equipment shall be accelerated linearly from 1g to 7.25 g within 333 seconds, along an axis parallel to the longitudinal spacecraft axis.
8. DecompressionNinety minutes in a vacuum of 1.47 x 10E-5 psia (10 E-6 atm) at a temperature of 160F (71C) and 30 minutes at a 200F (93C)
9. High PressureThe equipment to be subjected to a pressure of 23.5 psia (1.6 atm) for a minimum period of one hour.
10. VibrationThree cycles of 30 minutes (lateral, horizontal, vertical, the frequency varying from 5 to 2000 cps and back to 5 cps in 15 minutes. Average acceleration per impuls must be at least 8.8g.
11. Acoustic noise130 dB over a frequency range from 40 to 10000 HZ, duration 30 minutes.
Il semble bien qu'à l'issue de ces tests la Spedmaster était la seule encore en bon état de marche.... Elle a d'ailleurs été soumise de nouveau à ces tests en 1978 et elle a conservé sa qualification. Alors à quoi cela tient-il: qualité de fabrication, simplicité, robustesse? Sans doute tout celà et cette somme de qualités a assuré sa qualification et maintenant son "aura"....