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écrit par ZEN le 31 janvier 2005 21:00:00:
Je n'ai rien ajouté ( c'est un extrait...Quel culot ce Boudha! même pas de droits d'auteur...)
Zen's Zenith of Zest“Once-a-week Zen is just about as useless as once-a-week Yoga. The Science of the Soul is a way of life and must permeate your thought and action for twenty-four hours of every day. Eat less, sleep less and meditate the more. You will not find it in societies and classes but only within. No guru can help you unless he is a Realized Soul- a Buddha himself. Only the awakened should be the guides to awaken others. Otherwise you are trying to buy purgatives from constipated doctors. Now that someone has already written "Teach Yourself Zen", we are but a short time away from someone who will start teaching Zen by correspondence courses. Then tapes and gramophone records. While there are worms there will always be cunning birds looking for them...."
- Ben nous, c'est pas once a week, mais 24h/24 qu'on est awakened by Guru Zen ! st Pandani 31.1.2005 22:02 (0)
- Effectivement, c'est digne du catalogue Zenith + Fr.Xavier 31.1.2005 21:21 (0)