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exact même vendeur !!!! constellation24

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écrit par vasco le 14 avril 2005 20:13:46:

en réponse à: Voici la suite quand on répond no escrow mode ! écrit par FRLouis le 14 avril 2005 20:09:50:

>L'acheteur est : constellation24 =>
>nom d'emprunt Paul bart e-mail : llzzman@yahoo.es
>Sorry no escrow please.I prefer the deal to be done thorugh ebay.I am a serious buyer and I want to buy it .Please let me know if you accept the ebay etrust transactions .
>I send the money at ebay...they confirm you the reception of
>the funds and you send the package.After I confirm the
>reception of package they'll send you the payment in your
>currency in cheques money orders wire transfer or anyway you
>want to receive them.You'll receive the money in 24-48 hours.
>It is the safest for both of us because this is through ebay


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