Important Warning for ebay auctions...
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écrit par john marston le 15 juillet 2005 04:42:01:
WARNING! You should make your feedback rating private immediately and run private auctions. Here is why. News accounts recently have stated that unscrupulous scammers are watching auctions for merchandise like watches and jewelry. They then make logs of the winning bidders. Or they make a list by looking at your feedback.
So now they have a list of sellers of high dollar items and buyers.
The next step is that they add you to their favorite seller lists so they can know when you're selling an item so that they can win the item to gain your address information. They then use an alias account to win a transaction from you without intention of paying so they can then have your address.
Then is when it can get dangerous. Now you are a target for a home invasion, burglary, and/or armed robbery.
You should make your auctions and feedback private in order to prevent this from happening.
Best wishes,