Breguet et les arabes...
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écrit par Jeff le 18 septembre 2002 13:37:09:
Lu chez nos collègues des Purists, le post d'un allumé visiblement un ancien de chez Breguet passablement à la masse.
On se demande si c'est du second degré où si le mec est sérieux !
The spirit of the old watchmakers is gone when those new quartz watches came ashore and the Arabs bought
most of the old houses in Switzerland.Today! Look at Breguet since it has changes hands and especially since the
Arabs bought it and made into casino look-alike.I can't believe people still buy anything from those charlatans.
Sadly economics rule these days and so are those folks who have pride in themselves and gave in to those creatures of lousy habits.
I might sound like ranting but I hate to see great institutions turns into house of prostitutions.
- La vache, il en tiens une sacrée couche… jojopointcom 18.9.2002 14:42 (0)
- effectivement un con qui n'a fait que passer un stage dans une boutique et.... alex 18.9.2002 14:30 (0)