Re: Friday wear....une "radio room operator" [img]

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écrit par ulysse le 19 janvier 2007 10:08:14:

en réponse à: Friday wear....une "radio room operator" [img] écrit par D.Molina le 19 janvier 2007 09:39:51:


y'a qu'¨¤ demander!

Vostok Albatross-Amphibian
Soviet Marine Radio Operator Watch
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This watch was used by Soviet Navy & Merchant Marine Radio Operators during the course of their duty, part of which involved setting the ships radios to the International Emergency Frequencies every fifteen minutes for a duration of 3 minutes to "listen" for any possible SOS or MAYDAY transmissions. These three-minute segments of time are marked on the watch dial every fifteen minutes.

The 3 minute RED segments represent the times when the silence period was kept on 500KHz, formerly the International Morse Code distress frequency, or (SOS), while the 3 minute PINK segments are for the silence period on 2182KHz RT, the verbal distress frequency, or (MAYDAY).

There are also PINK bands around the chapter ring marking four of every five seconds. These marks were used to trigger an alarm on board ships without active radio operators.

War Ships & Passenger Liners man their radio rooms 24/7, but all cargo ships do not. If a cargo ship's radio room is left unmanned the receiver is left tuned to the international distress frequency, and a relatively simple alarm box was connected to it that would cause an alarm to sound in both the radio room and on the ship's bridge if a certain signal was received.

Sending the a distress call signal involves keying and holding the transmitter for 4 seconds, waiting a second and then keying it again for 4 seconds. This sequence was to be repeated 12 times for an entire minute. A receiver need only receive four of these properly sent signals to trigger the bridge alarm sending someone to the radio room to receive the message.

Dial Inscriptions:

§¡§­§¾§¢§¡§´§²§°§³ = ALBATROSS
17 §¬§¡§®§¯§¦§« = 17 STONES (Jewels)
§³§¥§¦§­§¡§¯§° §£ §³§³§³§² = MADE IN USSR

Case Back Inscriptions:

§£§°§¥§°§¯§¦§±§²§°§¯§ª§¸§¡§¦§®§½§¦ 200M = WATER PROOF 200 METERS
§¡§®§¶§ª§¢§ª§Á = AMPHIBIAN
§±§²§°§´§ª§£§°§µ§¥§¡§²§¯§½§¦ = SHOCK PROOF

Vostok Cal. 2409A Movement
Hand wound mechanical with 10 1/2 lines.
17 Jewels, monometallic gilded balance.
19600/18000 Frequency in one hour.
Central second hand.
24mm diameter - 3.5mm height.
Deviation: -20 to +40 seconds in 24 hours.


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