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passé les bornes il n'y a plus de limite

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écrit par NeofeeT le 22 juin 2004 16:09:46:

en réponse à: Help : qui a déja eu le méme probléme que moi avec photobucket.com... écrit par FRANCOIS le 22 juin 2004 14:48:20:

Monthly Usage: To view your bandwidth and disk space usage, got into your account preferences. Photobucket currently allows 100 megs of disk space ( ~2000 pictures ) and 2,500 megs of bandwidth ( ~50,000 hits ). This should be more than enough for the average user. Non donators will see a percentage sign next to your bandwidth and album size, this indicates the how much you've used for that month. If you are to greatly exceed your bandwidth, direct linking on your account could be disabled. Bandwidth resets once per month. The best way to control this is to keep your picture sizes small and be careful where you direct link from.


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