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exact, sous le miroir ! pas pratique, gaffe aux poussières...

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écrit par c'était du bon matos ça! le 12 juin 2005 20:32:11:

en réponse à: La pile... écrit par Gér@rd le 12 juin 2005 20:09:55:

You won't find a battery compartment cover under the body as with other models, in fact some of the earlier mechanical Nikkormats were the same. Because the battery is housed in the bottom of the mirror box - Nikon realised that as well, eventually, later Nikkormats F and EL series was reverted back to the bottom instead of in body - that was convenient factor but may be Nikon thought the cells must be protected ? Errr.., Nikon claimed officially in the marketing brochures that it helps keep the Nikkormat EL body as compact and slim as possible. Whatever the reasons are, it is easily changed after raising the camera mirror. But a handy and useful feature was, there is a battery test button and condition indicator, located at the back of the camera. This was retained until the FE in 1978.


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