Re: La réponse de Mr LOW..
écrit par NéofeeT le 18 juin 2003 20:13:17:
en réponse à: La réponse de Mr LOW.. écrit par vftp le 18 juin 2003 19:19:06:
Good day Sir
>Best price will be US$105 ( do not have this model for a long time)
>Add is strap for free is no problem
>Adrian Low
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Vincent Picard []
>Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 2:01 PM
>Subject: best price for skx033J big size
>Could you please tell me your best price for the seiko divers 100 "skx033J" big size, shipped to France.
>And is it possible to have something nice ( price reduction or bonus like a free rubber strap) for the members of the french forum "CHRONOMANIA - LPDM" ? ( your "concurrent" CHRONOGRAPH.COM" offers to our members a free rubber strap for each seiko divers oyster buyed on his web site)
>We're speaking a lot of your website on this forum, and i think you might have seen an increasement of sales to France since 4 or 5 weeks, no ?
Il faut savoir que Mister Law ne m’a jamais repondu à la question d’ordre général concernant une remise globale pour tous les LPDMistes
Elle était a combien sur la price list avant ta demande ?